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iOS / iPhone Installation Guide

🎉 Easy Guide to Installing Your eSIM 🎉

Ready to activate your eSIM? 🚀 Follow these simple steps to get started on your Apple device (tested with iOS 16.3!).

Your eSIM Toolkit 🛠️

Important: Don’t forget to turn on Data Roaming after the install!

Two Ways to Install 🚦

Choose your method:

  1. Install using a QR Code 📸
  2. Perform a Manual Install 📝

Option 1: Install Using a QR Code 📸

Step 1: Scan That QR Code

Choose one of the following:

  • Option 1: Open the Camera app → Scan the QR code → Tap "Mobile Plan". Screenshot_2023-02-14_at_12.21.39.png
  • Option 2: Go to Settings → Tap Mobile/Cellular Data → Tap Add eSIM → Tap Use QR Code → Scan the QR code.


Step 2: Activate Your eSIM

Tap Continue → Wait up to 10 minutes for activation → Tap Done.


Step 3: Customize (Optional)

Choose one:

  • Option 1: Tap Continue.
  • Option 2: Tap the > arrow → Pick a preset label or create your own (e.g., "My eSIM") → Tap Done → Tap Continue.


Note: If you already have multiple eSIMs installed, customization won’t be available until after the installation.

Step 4: Configure Settings

  1. Set Default Line to Primary → Tap Continue.
  2. Assign iMessage & FaceTime to Primary → Tap Continue.
  3. Set Mobile Data to your eSIM label (e.g., "My eSIM").
  4. Toggle Allow Mobile Data Switching ON or OFF → Tap Done.


Step 5: Enable Data Roaming

Go to Settings → Tap Mobile/Cellular Data → Select your eSIM → Toggle Data Roaming to ON.


Congratulations! 🎉 Your eSIM is now installed and ready to use!

Option 2: Manual Install 📝

Step 1: Start the Setup

Go to Settings → Tap Mobile/Cellular Data → Tap Add eSIM → Tap Use QR Code → Tap Enter Details Manually.


Step 2: Enter Your Details

Input the SMDP Address and Activation Code provided → Leave the Confirmation Code blank → Tap Next.


Step 3: Activate Your eSIM

Tap Continue → Wait up to 10 minutes for activation → Tap Done.


Step 4: Customize (Optional)

Choose one:

  • Option 1: Tap Continue.
  • Option 2: Tap the > arrow → Pick a preset label or create your own (e.g., "My eSIM") → Tap Done → Tap Continue.


Step 5: Configure Settings

  1. Set Default Line to Primary → Tap Continue.
  2. Assign iMessage & FaceTime to Primary → Tap Continue.
  3. Set Mobile Data to your eSIM label (e.g., "My eSIM").
  4. Toggle Allow Mobile Data Switching ON or OFF → Tap Done.


Step 6: Enable Data Roaming

Go to Settings → Tap Mobile/Cellular Data → Select your eSIM → Toggle Data Roaming to ON.


All Set! 🎉 Your eSIM is now ready to roll!

Need help? Contact us anytime. Happy eSIMming! 🌍📶